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  2. Account Management

Can I join a Tribe as an other entity?

Yes, when you start a tribe or are invited to a tribe you will be able to select how you plan to contribute to your Tribe.

Within the registration process, you will have a choice as to how you wish to contribute and be represented in your Tribe.

Business Profile: If you're contributing from a business bank account and you need to be represented by this personal LLC entity within the Tribe. This option has nothing to do with your Tribe's LLC filing.

Individual Profile: If you're contributing from a personal bank account and you should be represented by your legal name within the Tribe.

Retirement Account Profile: If you're contributing from an account such as a Trust, SDIRA, 401K, etc. and you need to be represented by this type of an entity on all legal documents.

How can I update my membership profile?

If you are already active in your Tribe, you can update your account to be your business profile by following these steps:

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1. Navigate to your account settings in the top right menu drop down by selecting 'Manage Account'

2. Select 'Business profiles' 

3. Select 'Create new business profile' on the lefthand side of the screen

4. Once you have entered all your information in, reach out to support@tribevest.com or utilize the chat feature in the bottom righthand corner to inform the Tribevest team you would like to be represented in your Tribe as your business profile

5. Our team will update your active membership on the backend to ensure you are represented in your Tribe as your business